Andrew enjoys spending time with his family, but he is having troubles to find kids-friendly activities around the neighborhood.
Beth loves her niece and enjoys helping her sister out by babysitting Sophia. She wants to find educational and fun activities that near Sophia’s home.
Abbie is a school teacher who cares about her daughter’s education. She signed up many off-school classes like piano, ballet, painting for Emma to explore for her real interests.
Our app begins with onboarding questions, guiding you to set up preferences and basic information. This helps us tailor a personalized and relevant product experience for everyone.
Discover and book kids' activities, camps, classes, and local spots easily, from home or on the go. Our advanced filters streamline the search process, making it quick and simple for you to find precisely what you're looking for.
Kidzout provides an exclusive parent community where you can explore kid-friendly activities in your neighborhood. Additionally, you'll discover local groups for parenting discussions and support.